Thursday, January 22, 2009

Catching up In the New Year

Well we are three weeks into the New Year. 2009, hard to believe! I graduated from high school 15 years ago. The winter is passing quickly and we are getting hit by tons of snow. Sawyer continues to enjoy kindergarten, which keeps all of us busy. We keep track of our daily reading on a Calendar. He recently began a swimming unit in Human Performance (AKA Gym Class), which he enjoys. I finished a wonderful series of books by Stephanie Meyer: The Twilight Saga. Jason works 50-55 hours of week, and comes home to snowblow too. A tiring cycle for sure. I am planning to help teach a course in Animal First Aid and also am thinking about asking the local community college to offer a Digital Scrapbooking workshop that I could teach. It would be fun to teach others something I love.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

This is a link to an article about Blair, that was featured in our paper today.

This is a picture from Sawyer's first day of school.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Settling In

A new routine has begun to take shape in our home. Sawyer loves school he got off the bus the first day and proclaimed "My School is AWESOME!" Nothing could have made me happier. I think most Moms worry when their child has to face something new and uncertain. So to know that I had helped to prepare him for this wonderful new page in his life makes me feel confident in myself as a mother. This is when I realize that working 30 hours is OK, because it allows me to get Sawyer off the bus and hear about his day when it's fresh, I get to play outside with him, read more stories, and play games. So I am settling in and must admit enjoying this new extra time I have. None of this would have been possible without the understanding of my employers. So thanks to Nina and Blair for being so flexible. They both made me feel that they truly care about me and my family. Not many people can say that about their boss. After his death in April I realized what a positive role he played in my daily life. I continue to miss that presence. Life is about the choices we make, and I am thankful that I choose to become a part of this special team of people and had the chance to work with Blair and continue to work with his wife Nina. This is a layout I did of Blair(R) and Mike(L) who also worked at the Animal Doctors.

I used products from Mandy Steward's Fully Alive Collection to create this layout, they are available on

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Post

So I have decided to start a BLOG. I'm not really sure what to write but here goes. Life is changing so quickly around our house, Sawyer begins school in a week. We had his open house today actually. I was worried that he may be a bit apprehensive but he didn't want to leave. My work schedule has changed so I will be able to get him off the bus. I am feeling a bit guilty about working such short days. I don't think our house has been quite so sparkling clean. Jason thinks it is great, he is getting used to having dinner cooked for him each night. I am enjoying it too finding all sorts of new recipes to try. Well enough for now, I am off to sand some sheet rock, another thing I have a knack for (finding things to do in the house)... just ask Jason !!